Saturday, April 5, 2008


It was a bachelor party jaunt. Joe and I decided to go across the street/strip from where? we were to the Mirage for a change of scenery and a couple of FREE beers. The plantlife leading to the casino made a tiny jungle. I liked it. I lingered. I hadn't slept for two days. The blast of oxygen from the tropical walkway gave me some of that go-go juice. Let's go.
We found a sparsely populated bar . Joe sat down and fed his machine a twenty. I plopped to his right and aped. These were multi-game machines, offering five or six varieties of poker plus blackjack and Keno. I was enjoying Double Double Bonus Poker that trip. This game pays extra for four Aces, 800 credits for 5. I chose this DDB game. I hit maximum bet and saw that $5 of my $20 was in play. Oops, I thought it was a quarter machine. Where's that bartender?
Joe got a tasty beer, I ordered something crappy. As the bartender went to get the beers , I told Joe about my mistake. I only had 4 hands,damnit, make that three hands to play. My twenty could be gone before I get my beer. Oh, well. Maximum Bet = 2 Aces dealt with another pair. Do I go for a full house. I consult with Joe and my tired brain. "No, what ya do is, hold those aces and hope for the other two to join the party." Draw. BOOM , here's your beer and $800.
I may have pissed myself a little. I was laughing for an hour.
( photo is not The Mirage)

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