Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We love me Not

Tonight, I was out drinking and smoking and eating fried fish. I played my guitar at what passes , around here, for the cool place, the hip joint, the ankle-bone, the monkey's elbow, as it were.
What's 'er name had driven in from Sarasota, enjoying a tatoo on the back of her neck ( Hi ! ), a baby startin' at the bottom of her tank-top, a white-supremacist pappy-notion in carceration, a bunch o' beers and plenty of smokes.

I try to start lively with Why Don't We Do It In The Road, and get heckled 2 seconds into it. A far too fuckin' typical American starts givin' me The Business 'cause he has gotten comfortable bein' a dick, and he's not even thinking about me or listening to me, He's drunk, his reason is his. But I was hoping to entertain the strangers. I need to. They need somethin', ... bunch o' assholes.

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