Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16ths

'96 - J.L., Kaspars, Y.C., Xing, Sand B, Tellers, pager, $20, Dog Pool
JL must be the Jet Lag. It's a pleasant dive at 6th and Florida in Lawrence, Kansas. At the time, it was still being run by one-armed funnyman Mike Jones. "Never gamble on a credit card, unless you have to." At the time, it was a dark and stinky place with shag-carpeted walls. At the time, our office was down the hall. I was about to get very sick.
YC is Yacht Club. Xing is Crossing. That evening I had the pager for service calls, a twenty dollar advance, and a date to shoot pool at the Laughing Dog Saloon.
'99 - Perkins, Stu's, Sport2Sport, Bird
There's nothing like a Friday at the Bird.
'00 - a Sunday, 11:30 softball, 1/2 pager
'03 - Lyon, Astro's, Jones, Crosstown, Flanigans, Hawk
Jones means Cactus Jones. Funnyman Mike had lost the Lag and then his life.
'05 - On this hot Saturday, the Hawk was having trouble with it's jukebox and Mega-Touch. These items are circled, meaning I did not satisfactorily fix them.
'06 - Rikki Weddin', Mark's Garden Party
'07 - clean house
That never happened.

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