Sunday, August 12, 2007


It's 109 degrees f. in my town right now, down from a high of 111. The newspaper will say 100. The TV news always seems to shave a few degrees off of the predicted high temps. .

Might our bombs raise temperatures in Kansas?

Are we still using depleted uranium?

How's land-mine sales?

Which beautiful island is Kenneth Lay lounging on?

Is this a good time to ask Arlen Specter about the Warren Commission?

We're getting a 2nd Wal-mart !

We're getting a new I-70 bridge over the Kansas River .

Gasoline prices drop 10 cents, then go up 20, then drop.....

Aspartame is sweet?

Freedom's knocking doors in.

Liberty is cussing in American.

Who's thirsty?

Who's hungry?

Who got shot for violating the curfew?

What time is it?

Let's build some prisons and fill 'em up.

Let's borrow some money.

Let's blow shit up.

Let's blow shit off.

Let's brown-nose the Brownbacks.

Let's let Roberts vote to rob us.

Let's laugh nervously and change the subject?

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