Sunday, June 10, 2007


A couple old doddering dudes let loose for a week-end. Oh, to party once more.
The van that won't shift jumped the van that wouldn't start, and off they went to get gas. I'd hate to run out of gas out there. I brought 2 coolers, 2 empty lighters, 1 fucked-up old tent, a flash-light, socks and underwear, a chair, some bug-spray, wasabi peas, a stupid hat , and a pinch o' weed. I bought peanut butter, 4 bananas, a loaf of bread, a case of PBR, a half-pint of Cuervo, and another chair in case we got company.
This year they wouldn't let me pull into the handicapped camping area, so we set up what could be referred to as Camp Dumb-ass in the middle of a hot field. I figured that people would fill it in behind us, but that never happened. We were " the edge of Friday".
We set up the tent between the vans. ( We brought separate vehicles in case either of us got home-sick.) We got out our chairs and sat in 'em , drinking beers and marveling at the giant party going on around us. "What time is it?"
"I gotta pee."
"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know , what time is it?"
"I'm gonna have another beer."
"Shot of tequila?"
"Let's go see some bands."
"My feet hurt, let's take the bus."
"The bus is too crowded, let's get off."
"I gotta pee again."
"I'm glad we brought these coats, it could get chilly."
"There's a good bathroom."
"There's that one dude."
"Hey , dude." ...and so on
The Thrill Is Gone
I should start looking for an RV.

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