Friday, January 12, 2007


Laura Ingram is an asshole. She told me, today, that because it was really cold someplace, global warming is nonsense.
Yesterday, it was 60-somethin' degrees up in this motherfucker. Today, it's 15 .
When I was small, we had four seasons. Now we seem to have two, Hot and Cold. Sometimes Hot will go visit the Cold for a few days, sometimes weeks. And then the fuckin' cherry blossoms are poppin' out in January. It used to snow in the winter , and the snow would stay, and a kid could make a snowman. We made snow forts that lasted for weeks. Big fuckers, that could hold four punks with a canteen of jungle-juice, they were.
It seems like we get more ice storms these days. Then it warms up to 50. The birds go back and forth. The gas companies panic and raise their rates.
The paving continues, new surfaces, daily, on which to wreck yourself in the next ice storm.
we're fucked

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