I've heard it's a hoax. Everybody knows that the price of chocolate is going down. Flooding is natural. When it snows in May, Everything's OK. These late snows will melt as the super-storms hit. My basement does not exist. I ain't got guns. I di'nt save seeds. I mowed the weeds that could save us. The dogs aren't mine. Some pigs aren't swine. The stars still shine. But, Powers combine. To fuck us, they do! What's up with that?! "For other purposes", more middle-men are legislated. All options are on the table for the Extractors. There's a lot of kids going to school. We could charge them for mucho. We could sell them all tickets. Let's tack on new fees ! We done privatized prisons. Think of the savings !!$!! Water's for sale. They're oughta be a fee. We'll prob'ly Westar your tree.